CALL FOR TENDER SG-R190001-T2 – SMR BOX – August 2024

CALL FOR TENDER SG-R190001-T2 – SMR BOX – August 2024

Please find below the link to our public supply request for construction and installation of a convective SMR module. The special steel catalyst pipes that are going to be part of the system will be provided to the constructor by the emission of another tender, see the related entry on this website.
The constructive drawings, mentioned as attachments of the document, will be shared on request. Stara Glass will be the buyer and may request the signature of an NDA before sharing said drawings.
Note 1: we request a separate price for the burners described in the document, since they are not an integrating part and might be bought separately.
Note 2: all documents related to this provision, included the one in the link, are meant to be written in Italian language.

SUGAR tender doc VM3 SMR box

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