Stara Glass

Stara Glass is a SME based in Genova and belongs to the Hydra Group. It provides services for the glass industry (i.e. furnace design, EPC, Turnkey projects, heat balances).

Born in the 50s, its activities were initially limited to the dismantlement of furnaces at end of their life. It soon expanded into furnace design and materials procurement. To date, SG plays a major role in furnace design, focusing on design performance, energy saving and pollution containment. SG permanent investments in R&D enabled the design of innovative solutions, i.e.:

  • Centauro: high efficiency hybrid regenerative/recuperative furnace including a SNCR system for NOx containment. Its further evolution will be boosted by LIFE SUGAR;
  • Strategic Waste Gas Recirculation System and High-Efficiency Air-Staging: 2 techniques for primary NOx containment developed within the LIFE Prime Glass project (LIFE12 ENV/IT/001020).


SG affiliate: SGRPRO SRL (PRO). Start-up dedicated to field measuring and computing, among other R&D activities, founded by SG and UNIGE. Its legal address coincides with SG’s, but it also has an office at Savona UNIGE campus

Role in the project

In LIFE SUGAR, SG is responsible for project management; design and construction of mock-up, combustion, waste duct and final system; organization of tests; exploitation; dissemination.

Previous R&D Experience relevant to the project

SG has participated in many other publicly co-funded R&D&I projects, i.e.:

  • IPS-FILSE HUMMING: Control and detection of thermo-acoustic instability in power gas turbines: mathematical models, measurement & control systems for high temperature combustion optimization in different industrial fields were developed (FESR Liguria, 2013).
  • SEMPRE – Development of design methods and new technological solutions to increase energy recovery in complex plants (Pratica MIUR  n.GPS-DM28935, 2009).
  • FILSE “ENERGY AND AMBIENT OPTIMIZATION OF THE GLASS MELTING PROCESS”: it represents a preliminary study of this project as it studied cullet and natural gas pre-heating and steam reforming (POR FESR 2014-2020 2017).
KT Kinetics Technology
JM Johnson Matthey
SSV Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro
Universita di Genova
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