Sustainability & Innovation

Global warming is the most critical climate issue of the 21st century.

Global warming is caused by the accumulation in the atmosphere of enormous amounts of human-made greenhouse gases (GHG) on top of those of natural origin. Among these gases, CO2 is the most commonly produced by human activities and it is responsible for 64% of human-made global warming.

Energy-Intensive Industries (EIIs), which include the glass industry, are amongst the main sources of human-made GHG because of their massive direct combustion of fossil fuels and use of electricity during the manufacturing processes.

Glass production is becoming an increasingly important form of packaging material in food and beverage sectors. To make it more competitive in the market, it is necessary to reduce production costs by additional plant performance optimization, using energy more efficiently and conserving natural resources.

In line with the EU long-term strategic vision for a climate-neutral, prosperous and competitive economy by 2050, the LIFE SUGAR project will design, develop and implement an innovative and cost-effective technological solution that remarkably reduces energy consumption levels and consequently GHG emissions (at least 40% reduction for 2030 compared with 1990 levels) in the melting phase of the energy intensive glass manufacturing.

That is why the technologies developed during LIFE SUGAR project respond to market trends that are driving and changing glass-making industry toward a better world in terms of sustainability, responsible production, lower emissions and mitigation of climate change.

KT Kinetics Technology
JM Johnson Matthey
SSV Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro
Universita di Genova
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