
As requested by the LIFE financing instrument and, as always interesting and precious for our activities the LIFE SUGAR project aims at connecting with other LIFE or not research, development and innovation projects, above all if intended to pursue similar goals of sustainability.

While we scout for connections, if you are leading such a project or you want to get in touch with us for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact:

Save energy for a better environment is a common goal to be achieved.
Making connections between other LIFE projets is a winning way to proceed to meet the target.
Recently we started a dialogue with AEInnova about how to be on the same page with our both LIFE project.

Here below have a look of the HEAT-R LIFE Project.


HEAT-R aims to provide a breakthrough in Energy Harvesting (EH) solutions, specifically for waste heat recovery for industries which have heat intensive processes.

AEInnova has developed a new product allowing the direct conversion of Waste Heat into electricity based on a thermoelectric principle called the Seebeck effect. The novelty over current technologies is a modular unit using multiple ThermoElectrical Generation cells (TEG) associated and controlled through a patented programmable control unit based on System-on Chip (SoC) technology,  overcoming current limitations.

Hydrogen from heat recovery system and sustainable mobility? Yes, we can!

The networking activity continues thanks to the meeting between the LIFE SUGAR (Life19 CCM / IT / 001314) and LIFE 3H (LIFE20 ENV / IT / 000575) projects.  The creation of an infrastructure dedicated to sustainable mobility and the heat recovery for the generation of hydrogen can coordinate and integrate giving life to interesting and ambitious opportunities for discussion and collaboration, always in the name of environmental and energy sustainability.

Stay tuned to learn more!

No Waste! The needle on our compass always points to heat recovery, even when it’s low grade.

On July 4, 2023, LIFE SUGAR (Life19 CCM / IT / 001314) project connected with the LIFE HEATLEAP (Life19 CCM / IT /  001334) project for a networking meeting. HEATLEAP project’s goal is to develop a range of low-grade waste heat recovery technologies such as large heat pumps and gas expanders that are suitable for various energy intensive industries. For more information, you can visit their website on

During the meeting, we both presented our respective projects and considered the possibilities of exploring potential synergies. This collaboration has considerable prospects for both parties and may pave the way for future improvements in the field of recovery solutions.

KT Kinetics Technology
JM Johnson Matthey
SSV Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro
Universita di Genova
Praesent ut leo. at dolor ut et, ante.