No Waste! The needle on our compass always points to heat recovery, even when it’s low grade.

No Waste! The needle on our compass always points to heat recovery, even when it’s low grade.

On July 4, 2023, LIFE SUGAR (Life19 CCM / IT / 001314) project connected with the LIFE HEATLEAP (Life19 CCM / IT /  001334) project for a networking meeting. HEATLEAP project’s goal is to develop a range of low-grade waste heat recovery technologies such as large heat pumps and gas expanders that are suitable for various energy intensive industries. For more information, you can visit their website on

During the meeting, we both presented our respective projects and considered the possibilities of exploring potential synergies. This collaboration has considerable prospects for both parties and may pave the way for future improvements in the field of recovery solutions.

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